Can this play from spotify list?
Can this play from spotify list?
The sounds didnt sync for me
Cant do it....
This is app is great but could be so much better! With the incorporation of Spotify and even some other music apps, this app could be the next big thing. It can turn sports bus rides, tailgates, etc. into a PARTY! I look forward to seeing these updates in the future because currently there is no other app like this.
Dont waste your time downloading
I want to use this to connect to multiple sound systems and sync them. Can I do that? And there is no wifi outdoors if I need that...
First off, if you cant find the iPad app, change your setting at the top from "iPad only" to "iPhone only" and youll get the app. Its not as pretty but it works just the same If I could add songs to the playlist rather than being forced to do it all at the beginning, this would get 5 stars. Adding new songs currently overwrites the old playlist and stops the music. Thanks for making this app!
Best music sync app period
App is laid out nicely but is not iOS 9 compatible. The all often crashes when only running in the background. Additionally the app crashes when adding soundcloud.
I dont have any music for the iTunes library so I go to soundcloud and sometimes it goes to the website and as soon as I press connect to soundcloud,it exits out of the app and other times,it will exit out of the app as soon as I press soundcloud for music
When I click on the Soundcloud feature the app crashes. Very frustrating because that is where all my music is. I like the design, just wish it would work!
Best app ever Does exactly what it advertises You can even control volume of other devices from one device (master device). Please add a donate button in the app.
This version finally works. Music all around the house.
I am new to this sort of app but after downloading it and trying it I am thrilled!
Awesome app- great for days on beach when you need more than one phone to hear music- you wont need an expensive Sonos system when you have tune mob!
This app does not work as when I try to connect to Facebook for my sound cloud account it says this action is invalid